Random messagesLast week, on the fourth of July, I got a random email from a businessman who I had tangentially done some work with in Uzbekistan years ago, from one of the very remote provinces.
I actually get these messages pretty often but figured I'd write a bit about it because there was a time when US and Uzbekistan relations were quite good, both official policy as well as on the ground, with ordinary people. These days, official policy is bad and I suspect that as a result I would be denied a visa to enter the country.
But, I suppose it's nice to know that there are people one the ground there who would welcome me. It's hard to put down in words how kind, warm and hospitable people are there.
He wrote (I'm translating here) "I almost forgot that today is your big holiday. I congratulate you with your holiday -- Independence Day. I wish you and your country and its people happiness, success and health. Again, I congratulate you on behalf of my staff from XXXX business. I am proud of your country and its people. Best of luck to you!"